Canaan - Wikipedia

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Nevertheless, the Egyptian and Hebrew uses of the term are not identical: the Egyptian texts also identify the coastal city of Qadesh in north west Syria near Turkey as part of the "Land of Canaan", so that the Egyptian usage seems to refer to the entire Levantine coast of the Mediterranean Sea, making it a synonym of another Egyptian term for this coastland, Retjenu.
C. elegans (disambiguation) - Wikipedia
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Cybiosarda elegans, a marine scombrid (Scombridae) found in coastal and oceanic waters of northern Australia and southern New Guinea. Crenicara elegans, a synonym for Crenicara punctulatum, the checkerboard cichlid, a species (Geophaginae) native to creeks and rivers in the Amazon and Essequibo basins in South America.
Liste von Apfelsorten/G – Wikipedia
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Granny Giffard f Granny Smith: Zufallssämling: 1868 in Australien Sehr sauer a, c, d, f, j, o, r (S. 63) Granny Smith, Compspur e Granny Smith, Spur e Granny Smith, Starkspur e Grantham Siehe: Jefferies Grantonian f Gras Binet Grasblümchen (oder: Roter Sickinger, Sickinger Roter) 1864 in der Südwestpfalz j, o, r (S. 63) Grassie Siehe: Grassy Grassy (oder: Grassie) Schöner aus Boskoop x ...