Micrometeorite collections: a review and their current status

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Fine-grained and coarse-grained unmelted micrometeorites amount to 32 and 31, respectively, along with 13 refractory micrometeorites. Cosmic spherules can be subdivided into 147 I-types, 152 G-types and 2930 S-types, of which the subtypes are 404 Po, 611 BO, 1571 CC and 230 V-types.
What is Granularity? (with picture) - AllTheScience
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Fine-grained parallel processing divides a task into a large number of smaller tasks, usually of short duration, while coarse-grained parallel processing has larger, longer tasks. Finer granularity increases the amount of work that can be done simultaneously and so is potentially faster, but at the price of requiring more resources for communication between processors.
Your Guide to All Mustard Types - Serious Eats
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Dijon Mustard. Whole Grain Mustard. Hot Mustard. English Mustard. German Mustard. Beer & Spirit Mustards. Mustard is one of the worlds oldest condiments, dating back to early Roman cooks, who combined ground mustard seeds with an unfermented grape juice called must to make the hot paste mustum ardens, or "burning must."
Shared mutable state and concurrency | Kotlin Documentation
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Shared mutable state and concurrency. . Coroutines can be executed parallelly using a multi-threaded dispatcher like the Dispatchers.Default. It presents all the usual parallelism problems. The main problem being synchronization of access to shared mutable state. Some solutions to this problem in the land of coroutines are similar to the ...
Integer Scale: A Free Lunch for Faster Fine-grained Quantization of LLMs
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It can be seen that fine-grained W4A8 with integer scale becomes a feasible scheme between W4A16 and non-fine-grained W4A8 to have better accuracy. Interestingly, ... Both our fine and coarse-grained kernels are faster. 6 Ablation Study 6.1 Fixed Amplifier vs. Heuristic Search. To find the optimal amplifier for the integer scale, ...
Adaptively learning visual model of surgical resection images via ...
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Adaptively learning visual model of surgical resection images via coarse-to-finegrained strategy for pathological invasiveness prediction in indeterminate stage IA lung adenocarcinoma. Authors: Lintong Yao, HaiYu Zhou, Linghan Cai, Qiaxuan Li, Daipeng Xie, and Hongwei Lin Authors Info & Affiliations.
Coarse-grained models - Latest research and news | Nature
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Coarse-grained models are computational models that mimic the behaviour of a complex system by breaking it down into simpler sub-components. The extent to which the system is broken down reflects ...
Melt infiltration in a crystal mush and pegmatoid formation in the ...
favicon link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00126-024-01278-z Private View
The fine-grained chromite may be products of pore-scale melt mixing and the coarse-grained chromites may be the result of viscous segregation. The troctolitic crystal mush was then replenished by channelised flow of a relatively silica-rich and hydrous melt which was probably “B2”, a mixture of komatiite, continental crust, and a plagioclase-rich residuum (Barnes et al. 2010 ).
7 Whole-Grain Foods You Should Try | American Heart Association
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Common Sources: Whole kernels (fresh, frozen or canned), popcorn, whole cornmeal, whole grits, corn tortillas (made with whole-grain corn or whole cornmeal) Cooking Tips: To cook cornmeal (polenta), mix 1 cup whole cornmeal with 1 cup cool water. Bring 3 cups water to a boil. Slowly whisk in cornmeal mixture. Reduce the heat to medium.
[2405.05818] Fine-grained Analysis and Faster Algorithms for ...
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Fine-grained Analysis and Faster Algorithms for Iteratively Solving Linear Systems. Michał Dereziński, Daniel LeJeune, Deanna Needell, Elizaveta Rebrova. While effective in practice, iterative methods for solving large systems of linear equations can be significantly affected by problem-dependent condition number quantities.
Seuraava   >
Learning Coarse-Grained Dynamics on Graph | APUS Lab
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Learning Coarse-Grained Dynamics on Graph. Published: May 15, 2024 by Daning Huang. “Heterogeneous networked dynamical systems with time-varying topologies” are universally seen in science and engineering - classical examples include power grids, molecule dynamics, and computational mechanics. For the data-driven modeling of such systems ...
Enhancing Fine-Grained Image Classifications via Cascaded Vision ...
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Fine-grained image classification, particularly in zero/few-shot scenarios, presents a significant challenge for vision-language models (VLMs), such as CLIP. These models often struggle with the nuanced task of distinguishing between semantically similar classes due to limitations in their pre-trained recipe, which lacks supervision signals for fine-grained categorization.
[PDF] Thermodynamically Informed Multimodal Learning of High ...
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The proposed formalism opens ways to resolve several outstanding challenges in bottom-up molecular coarse graining dealing with multiple minima and state dependence. This is realized by using additional differential relationships in the loss function to significantly improve the learning of free energies, while exactly preserving the Boltzmann distribution governing the corresponding fine ...
Knowledge - ForgeRock BackStage
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ForgeRock supports coarse and fine-grained contextual, continuous and transactional authorization. Access control is configured and enforced through the use of several integrated components, including flexible and extensible authentication mechanisms, comprehensive authorization policies, resource agents, agentless access control (using Identity Gateway), and automated account provisioning.
[PDF] Equivalence analysis between Quasi-coarse-grained and Atomistic ...
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In recent years, simulation methods based on the scaling of atomic potential functions, such as quasi-coarse-grained dynamics and coarse-grained dynamics, have shown promising results for modeling crystalline systems at multiple scales. However, this letter presents evidence suggesting that the spatiotemporal trajectories of coarse-grained systems generated by such simulation methods exhibit a ...
Equivalence analysis between Quasi-coarse-grained and Atomistic ...
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Equivalence analysis between Quasi-coarse-grained and Atomistic Simulations. In recent years, simulation methods based on the scaling of atomic potential functions, such as quasi-coarse-grained dynamics and coarse-grained dynamics, have shown promising results for modeling crystalline systems at multiple scales. However, this letter presents ...
Global Meets Local: Dual Activation Hashing Network for Large-Scale ...
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In the Internet era, the exponential growth of fine-grained image databases poses a considerable challenge for efficient information retrieval. Hashing-based approaches gained traction for their computational and storage efficiency, yet fine-grained hashing retrieval presents unique challenges due to small inter-class and large intra-class variations inherent to fine-grained entities. Thus ...
Automatic Fine-grained Bird Species Classification with Deep - Course Hero
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Figure 2.3: Fine-grained vs Coarse-grained image classification. • Fine-grained classification, it is a visual classification task, where the im- ages belong to the same species, so it has a small inter-class variance, and this considers a challenging task that needs a very efficient model to extract the perfect features [4].
[2405.05070] Equivalence analysis between Quasi-coarse-grained and ...
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Equivalence analysis between Quasi-coarse-grained and Atomistic Simulations. Dong-Dong Jiang, Jian-Li Shao. In recent years, simulation methods based on the scaling of atomic potential functions, such as quasi-coarse-grained dynamics and coarse-grained dynamics, have shown promising results for modeling crystalline systems at multiple scales.
[2405.06283] Novel Class Discovery for Ultra-Fine-Grained Visual ...
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Ultra-fine-grained visual categorization (Ultra-FGVC) aims at distinguishing highly similar sub-categories within fine-grained objects, such as different soybean cultivars. Compared to traditional fine-grained visual categorization, Ultra-FGVC encounters more hurdles due to the small inter-class and large intra-class variation. Given these challenges, relying on human annotation for Ultra-FGVC ...

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