Seafood and Fish in Korean – The Complete List

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How to say “fish” in Korean. There are different Korean words for how to say “fish” in Korean. The basic ones are 물고기 (mulgogi), and 어류 (eoryu).Both are equally correct when referring to fish.
How To Say “Different” In Korean - Learning language
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Korean English; 색다르다 (saekdareuda) different, unconventional: 분분하다 (bunbunhada) different, diverse, divergent: 이질적 (ijiljeok) different, disparate
How To Say “How Do You Say…” in Korean - Learning language
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Why is it important to learn “How do you say…” in Korean? Learning this phrase can make asking for specific Korean words way easier. Understandably, if you are only just starting your journey of learning the language, it may be difficult to use or understand more than a few words at once.
How To Say ‘Can’t’ In Korean - Learning language
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‘Can’t’ in Korean. The closest option to the word ‘can’t’ as vocabulary would be 불가능 (bulganeung), which translates to ‘impossible’, or that something cannot be done.However, to learn how to say can’t in Korean, you need to be aware that it is more often expressed as a part of grammar rather than new vocabulary.
How To Say “Sky” In Korean - Learning language
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To celebrate that fabulous vastness above, we present you with the lesson on how to say “sky” in Korean.. Sometimes the sky above is clear and blue, and sometimes, it’s dark and filled with sparkling stars.
How to Say “Maybe” in Korean - Learning language
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is 네 (ne), and is 아니요 (aniyo), but do you know how to say “maybe” in Korean yet?If your answer to this just so happens to be “maybe,” or perhaps even “no,” then this is the lesson for YOU! Today you’ll learn the ways how to say “maybe” in Korean and whatever using that word can bring about for you.
How To Say ‘Let’s Eat’ In Korean - Learning language
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A word of caution about Romanization. While it is possible for you to study the words in this article simply by reading their romanized versions, it will come in handy for you to be able to read Hangeul if you ever wish to come to Korea.
How to Say ‘Table’ in Korean - Learning language
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A word of caution about Romanization. While it is possible for you to study the words in this article simply by reading their romanized versions, it will come in handy for you to be able to read Hangeul if you ever wish to come to Korea.
How to Say “Help Me” in Korean - Learning language
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Formal “Help Me” in Korean. 1. 도와주시겠어요 (dowajusigesseoyo) 2. 도와주실래요 (dowajusillaeyo) You can use either of the above phrases to say “help me” in Korean, but 도와주시겠어요 (dowajusigesseoyo) is a bit more polite than 도와줄래요 (dowajullaeyo).
How To Say ‘Let’s Go’ In Korean - Learning language
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A word of caution about Romanization. While it is possible for you to study the words in this article simply by reading their romanized versions, it will come in handy for you to be able to read Hangeul if you ever wish to come to Korea.
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How To Say ‘Tree’ In Korean - Learning language
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A word of caution about Romanization. While it is possible for you to study the words in this article simply by reading their romanized versions, it will come in handy for you to be able to read Hangeul if you ever wish to come to Korea.
How To Say ‘Kitchen’ In Korean - Learning language
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Do you live in or in , or in your own country? How many rooms does it have? How would you describe each room? Better yet, do you know how to name and describe each of the rooms in Korean yet?
How to Say “Cold” in Korean - Learning language
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In this article, you’ll learn how to say “cold” in Korean.If you’ve been to Korea during winter yet, then you’ll know the temperatures might not go down so low, but the wind will definitely be brutal enough to make you feel cold.
How To Say “Street” In Korean - Learning language
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To remember how to say street in Korean, we’ll use . So what are some associations we can use to remember ‘street’ in Korean? The first, 거리 (geori), is a pretty simple image. Imagine a goalie standing in the middle of the street, preventing you from going forward (it can be the goalie of any sport you prefer).. Association
How To Say “Left” In Korean - Learning language
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Sentences related to “left” in Korean. If you want to express that something is on the left, you can say 왼쪽에 있다 (woenjjoke itta), with the verb 있다 (itta) in its appropriate form. This sentence translates to “it is on the left side.”
K-Drama Words and Phrases: I Can Hear Your Voice
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Episode 2 Overview: Image Source: Screenshots from I Can Hear Your Voice 2013, TV series, Doremi Entertainment and Kim Jong-hak Production. In the second episode, the story focuses on a case that would lead Park Soo-ha to meeting the woman he has been looking for all these years, his first love.
How To Say “Bathroom” In Korean - Learning language
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Today’s lesson will focus on how to say “bathroom” in Korean.. It is definitely something you will want to learn as soon as you arrive in Korea! Even if you may not need to shower or bathe outside of your home or accommodation, you can be almost guaranteed to need the toilet at any given time, most especially when you’re out .
Using The Bus In Korea - Learning language
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Bus Network In Seoul. Unlike many other cities and towns in Korea, Seoul has an incredibly extensive subway network system. This enables for relatively easy travel from one’s home to wherever you need to go.
How To Say “Japan” In Korean – The meaning of 일본 (ilbon)
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A word of caution about Romanization. While it is possible for you to study the in this article simply by reading their, it will come in handy for you to be able to read Hangeul if you ever wish to come to Korea.
How To Say “Yesterday” In Korean - Learning language
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A word of caution about Romanization. While it is possible for you to study the words in this article simply by reading their , it will come in handy for you to be able to read Hangeul . , and not difficult to learn.

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