Privacy Policy

TL;DR Your privacy is our number-one priority.

This privacy policy applies to users of PrivacyWall, a division of Social Game Media Inc. Please read on for a description of what we do to protect your privacy.

How does PrivacyWall protect your searches?
Here are some common ways that other search engines fail to protect you: a. If you don't see a lock icon next to your address bar, then that means you are not accessing a secure website ("non-SSL"). Some search engines allow users to conduct searches using the non-secure version of their site. This means that your searches can be intercepted and stored by unauthorized parties.

b. When you click a link, you may be sending your search query to the website you are visiting because browsers send "referrers" by default. The referrer contains the URL of the website you are clicking from, which could include personal or sensitive search queries.

Here's how PrivacyWall protects you:

a. By default, every search you perform on PrivacyWall is secure. That means that your ISP or other third-party is unable to see what searches you are conducting.

b. We prevent referrer leakage by using the meta referrer attribute to prevent the URL from being passed on to a website. All the website sees is that the user is visiting from The website will not know what searches you are conducting. This works on the latest web browsers. If you are using an older browser, please upgrade to the latest browser version for the best security and privacy features.
Do we store any personal information on how you use our website?
We collect aggregate statistics of the usage of our website at a high-level such as counting the total number of pageviews per day/week/month/year and the geographic location of our user base at a country level. This helps us prioritize the allocation of development resources and better understand our infrastructure needs. If you contact us for customer support, any information that is provided in order to deliver the service to you or respond to your request is used solely for that purpose and not connected in any way with your searches.
Do we use cookies?
No cookies are used by default. We use cookies on our website to save your settings when you manually change the language to save your language settings. As an example, the cookie might contain a two-letter country code such as "FR" or "US". No personally-identifiable information is stored in cookies. Cookies are not synced or shared.
Third party links
Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party products or services on our website. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites.
We partner with various sources to provide the information that powers our search engine. Our traditional web search results are powered by a major search engine not named Google. In order to present the best search experience, our search partner may collect information such as IP address, user agent, and other information to provide search results.

In order to provide video search, we use YouTube API Services. Usage of YouTube is subject to the Google Privacy Policy. Please note that we never collect or share your personal data to provide video search services.
Third Party Stores
The use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Chrome Web Store User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. We do not collect or share personal data from users of our extensions.
Our Privacy Champions are here for you. We personally wrote this privacy policy to make it accessible and inclusive. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to submit your feedback or contact us using the ways below:


Your Consent
By using our site, you consent to our Privacy Policy.
Changes to our Privacy Policy
Changes will be posted on this page, and/or noted on the modification date below.

This policy was last modified on April 24, 2024.